Get to know us

Welcome to GoodJob App - Where Your Career Journey Begins!

At GoodJob, we believe that finding the right job is more than just a checkbox on your to-do list; it's about discovering a career path that aligns with your passion, skills, and aspirations. Our platform is dedicated to revolutionizing the job search experience in Tanzania by offering personalized support and expert guidance every step of the way powered under the guidance of Goodthings Capital Limited.

Our mission

We're on a mission to empower job seekers across Tanzania to navigate the job market more efficiently and confidently. We understand the challenges individuals face in finding their ideal career opportunities, and we're here to simplify that journey.

Our vision

To become the cornerstone of career empowerment in Tanzania, revolutionizing the job search experience by fostering a community-driven platform that empowers individuals to discover, pursue, and thrive in careers that align with their aspirations and expertise. We envision a future where every job seeker feels confident, supported, and inspired to reach their full career potential, with GoodJob as their trusted companion on this transformative journey."